What is CareSouth’s Family Preservation program?

Raising a child can be tough but help and support can make a real difference. At CareSouth, we know that children thrive when they are with family and community. Through our Family Preservation
program, we work with families to support them through challenges like domestic violence, mental
health issues, significant learning or intellectual disabilities, drug and alcohol misuse, complex health
needs, school attendance concerns and other obstacles that may make family life difficult. We work
alongside families to build and support opportunities to thrive.

Is the Family Preservation program for me?
Family Preservation is a voluntary program for families with children and young people aged 0 to 18
years. If you decide to participate, a caseworker will visit you regularly for up to 18 months. Together, you will decide what is working well for your family and what isn’t. 

Family Preservation support can include:

  • Case management – helping you plan the best support for your family.
  • Home visits – providing practical support and skills for you in your home.
  • SafeCare® – an evidence-based, structured inhome parenting program for parents with children aged 0-5. It covers health, home safety, parental child/infant interaction and runs for 18 sessions.
  • Family and parenting advocacy and support to build on parent and child interaction, problemsolving and to help strengthen relationships.
  • Education, advice, information and helpful resources to support your family’s journey through the program.
  • Referrals to services for targeted support such as drug and alcohol counselling and treatment, psychological support and assistance with navigating services like the NDIS.
  • Connection to parenting programs that help you improve your relationship with your children and build skills to help manage any behavioural or emotional challenges.

What happens next?

You can enquire about CareSouth’s Family Preservation program for your family, or someone
from your community may refer you. After this, we will arrange a time to come and talk to you.

  • Visits – Initially, we will meet at your home once a week. You can expect your caseworker to provide information, practical support and advice. Visits are planned for a time that suits you.
  • Contact – Between visits, you will have regular phone contact with your caseworker.
  • Time – Over the 18 months you are with the program, your home visits are tailored to the support needs of your family.


How can I get more information?

Contact Family Preservation on 1300 554 260 or email familypres.intake@caresouth.org.au.
Our friendly and professional staff are always happy to answer your questions. Privacy and confidentiality are always respected.

Mandatory Reporting
Members of the Family Preservation team are all mandatory reporters. If your caseworker is concerned your child or children are at risk of significant harm, they are legally required to discuss these worries with the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ). This is to ensure your children remain safe, and if additional support for your family is required, we can develop a support plan with you.

Complaints & Compliments
It is important to us that we support your family in the best way possible; we want to do our job well. If you are concerned or want to make a complaint about CareSouth’s Family Preservation program or the service you have received, please let us know. All concerns and feedback will be handled confidentially and respectfully, and we will let you know once your issue has been followed up. If you have a compliment or positive feedback, we would like to hear this too. You can contact us about both complaints and compliments by speaking with a Family Preservation Manager on 1300 554 260.

Get in Touch to find out more

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Give us a call today on 1300 554 260 or send an enquiry below ​